Tuesday, March 1, 2016

R&D Internship at Sherwin-Williams: Applications Due March 4th

Ashland University science majors who have completed at least two semesters of Organic Chemistry should check out this summer internship opportunity at Sherwin-Williams.

·    An R&D Internship at Sherwin-Williams is a hands-on learning experience that will challenge and push Interns to perform at a high level.
·    The Sherwin-Williams Intern program is a comprehensive 12-week learning experience located at the Warrensville Technology Center or Valley View R&D Laboratory. 
·    Interns will be assigned to a specific lab, a Mentor, and a Technical Project.
·    Interns will be active participants on a project team and will have periodic reviews to evaluate their performance.
·    Near the conclusion of their assignment, Interns will develop a Technical Poster on their project highlighting their accomplishments.
·    Interns will participate in a number of special networking and learning events throughout their assignment.
·    This opportunity will allow Interns to gain experience in work groups, as well as working with other Interns.

Resumes and cover letters should be sent to Wendy Hall, Employer Relations Coordinator, at the AU Career Services Center by Friday, March 4th.  Contact Career Services or a Chemistry faculty member for more information. 
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