One of the strengths of our Choose Ohio First Scholarship (COF) program is the large proportion of our COF scholars involved in mentored undergraduate research projects. Each summer we provide stipends, room and board for several COF scholars to continue that work through the summer. Over the past few months we hosted four scholars along with two other students taking part in research projects with four faculty members.
Biology major
Kelly Murray began her research project at Ashland while still a Choose Ohio First scholar at North Central State College, a community college in Mansfield, Ohio. Kelly did an internship with
Dr. Mason Posner at AU before joining our COF program, and then joined his research lab. Kelly just graduated this spring and will be entering the Molecular and Cell Biology PhD program at Cornell University in the Fall.
Chemistry major
Corey Turpin continued his synthetic organic chemistry research with Dr. Nick Johnson this summer. The photo to the right shows Corey analyzing purified compounds using our 400 mhz NMR. Corey plans to attend graduate school to become a University Chemistry Professor after his upcoming senior year.
Two rising COF sophomores had the opportunity to spend their first summers at AU in the lab. Biology major
Julia Owens worked with Dr. Paul Hyman to purify and identify bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria. Forensic Biology/Toxicology double major
Maria Kern worked with Dr. Jenna Dolhi to collect and identify microscopic protists living in the waters of our Black Fork Wetlands environmental preserve. Julia, Maria and Corey are pictured below, along with another summer research student, Forensic Biology major
Matt McDonald, after giving presentations on their work.
Ashland University has hosted a Choose Ohio First Program since 2009. These scholarship dollars are given by the State of Ohio to support Ohio high school students entering STEM college programs. Our program has 28 graduates and will support 32 additional students this coming Fall.