During this busy summer, two recent biology graduates are making preparations to move on to graduate school, after four great years at AU! Both Rachel Day (photo,left) and Rachael Glover (photo, right) plan to pursue interests in ecology and environmental science. In mid-August, Rachel Day (AU'11) will begin an environmental science master's program at Miami University's Institute for the Environment and Sustainability (IES, Oxford, OH). In late August, Rachael Glover will begin a biology master of science program at John Carroll University (University Heights, OH). Each has secured a graduate assistantship for support during her graduate program.
Both Rachel and Rachael were involved with directed research projects while at AU, and credit these experiences with helping to guide planning for post-graduation. That work also led to off-campus experiences at a national conference for each. Last summer, Rachel Day attended the annual meeting the Ecological Society of America in Pittsburgh, PA, to present some of her on-going research results. Next month, Rachael Glover will attend the ESA meeting in Austin, TX, to present results of her research.
In addition to research, for two years both were very active leaders in AU's Xi Mu Chapter of the national biology honorary, Beta Beta Beta. This organization has promotion of undergraduate research as part of its core mission, manifested as student research grants from the national office, and, locally, Student Summer Research Talks and hosting research speakers. AU's Xi Mu Chapter also sponsors several service projects and social events each year.
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